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A woman with long hair and glasses smiling at the camera.

Dr. Kimberly Garland-Campbell

Dr. Garland-Campbell is a Plant Research Geneticist with the USDA and an Adjunct in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Washington

State University. 

A man in a blue collared shirt standing in a wheat field.

Dr. Kevin Murphy

Dr. Murphy is a Professor in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Washington State University and the Project Director.


A man in a plaid shirt smiling at the camera.

Dr. Robert Brueggeman

Dr. Brueggeman is an Associate Professor in Barley Research and Education in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Washington State University. â€‹

A woman with short brown hair and glasses showing a plant to a group of kids.

Dr. Rebecca McGee

Dr. McGee is a Plant Research Geneticist with the USDA that focuses on breeding and genetics of legume crops. 

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Dr. Stephen Jones

Dr. Jones is the Director of the WSU Breadlab and a Professor in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Washington State University.

A man in a plaid shirt and hat standing in front of a wheat field.

Steve Lyon

Steve Lyon is a plant breeder who leads the greenhouse and field research portions of WSU Breadlab.​

Hatice Sari.HEIC

Dr. Hatice Sari

Dr. Hatice Sari is a post-doc working with Dr. Rebecca McGee. She is focusing on the nutritional quality of lentil projects, specifically resistant starch and folates.


Sadikshya Poudel

Sadikshya is a graduate student working with Dr. Robert Brueggeman. Her research is focused on nutritional quality of barley, specifically developing heart healthy/ biofortified naked food barley.



Robin Morgan

Robin is a graduate student working with Dr. Stephen Jones at the WSU Breadlab. He is working on the development of a perennial grain crop based on wheat and wheat varieties with purple, blue and black seed.

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